October 18, 2018
Nugget mania

Erica Beatey ’19 (East Sandwich, Mass.) loves Chicken Nugget Thursdays in Raymond Dining Hall so much that last fall, she began chronicling each one on her Snapchat story. “It’s a fun way to see the year pass by,” said Beatey, a history major with minors in theology and film studies.
Beatey continued documenting her nugget consumption all year, even while studying abroad in Vienna, Austria.
“It was just nice to have some connection to PC even when I wasn’t physically there,” Beatey said.
Some Thursdays she got her nugget fix at a McDonald’s near the palace where her classes were held. She ate others while wearing formal attire before an event during Vienna’s ball season.
Curious about Chicken Nugget Thursdays, which began in 2014? Watch the video by Lindsey Lopez ’20, a social media ambassador, to learn more.
- Erica Beatey ’19 holds a plate of chicken nuggets before a ball in Vienna.