June 15, 2022
The Class of 2026, through their theme songs

Now here you are with your faith
And your Peter Pan advice
You have no scars on your face
And you cannot handle
— Pressure by Billy Joel
If supplemental essays were an option when I applied to Providence College back in 2005, there’s a strong chance I would have chosen the prompt that asks, “What would your theme song be and why?” I almost certainly would have selected a Billy Joel song. And if forced to choose which one as I write this message, I’d pick Pressure.
I could try to convince you that my choice is related to the writer’s block high school seniors have while being asked to constantly produce content during the admission process. I could also make the case that there’s pressure within the college search — a process that our staff tries to reduce, but nevertheless persists. To be quite honest, though, this song came to mind because I remember it as one of the most fun to play on piano. It is faster and louder than many of Joel’s ballads. And during my piano lesson days, it was also a nice change of pace from the classical songs my teacher Bev implored me to practice.
Whether an essay about Pressure would’ve impressed the admission counselors who reviewed my PC application is unknown. But I can tell you that our staff was captivated by the thoughtful selections about the theme songs from the students who applied to be part of the Providence College Class of 2026. While I admit that much of the time our decisions are academic, during a selective and holistic process we have the great privilege to consider anything that’s shared with us — including essays about students’ theme songs.
Individually, each of the Class of 2026 applicants reflected on what a song meant to them: how it summarized an experience, reminded them of a loved one, inspired them to push harder, or helped them process a difficult time. Collectively, it makes for quite the playlist! I hope you enjoy listening to the eclectic mix of music that defines our incoming students:
Class of 2026 playlistOur work in choosing and enrolling the Providence College Class of 2026 is now complete. At nearly 1,200 students, they are quite a group. In comparison to the classes we’ve enrolled in the last 15 years, they have the highest average GPA, more are from outside of the Northeast than ever before (international enrollment is also record-breaking), and we have the highest number of incoming finance, social work, biochemistry, and psychology majors that the college has ever seen.
This is an incredibly accomplished class who achieved their goals and thrived while navigating difficult circumstances. And while Billy Joel’s Pressure wasn’t among the theme song submissions, Miley Cyrus’s The Climb was:
There’s always gonna be another mountain
I’m always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I’m gonna have to lose
Ain’t about how fast I get there
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb.
Class of 2026, we can’t wait to meet you and to support you on your continued journey upward.

Owen Bligh ’10, ’14G
Senior associate dean of admission