March 20, 2023

A Chaplain’s Thoughts: New life

By Rev. James F. Quigley, O.P. ’60
Associate Chaplain, National Alumni Association

It was near dawn but still dark. The woman made her way in the cemetery to the tomb. She knew where they had buried him. When she got there, she was shocked. The tomb was empty.  She ran to tell Peter and the other apostles. And then there he was in front of her. He spoke her name, Mary, and she knew. It was Jesus, he had come back from the dead, he had risen. It was Easter Sunday.

Rev. James F. Quigley, O.P. '60
Rev. James F. Quigley, O.P. ’60

The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is believed by Catholics and all Christians. In fact, the Catholic Church and all Christian churches are founded on the fact of resurrection. There would be no Church without resurrection. Jesus Christ on the first Easter morning walked away from the tomb. He was alive, and Catholics, Christians, believe he is alive. They do not follow an ancient guru, a wisdom teacher, an historical wonder worker. They rather follow the still living Lord Jesus Christ, present to the community, present to the believer. The resurrected Jesus Christ is savior, redeemer, very much still alive.

What happened in a graveyard in Jerusalem was the first moment in a cosmic process that includes all of us. Faith in Jesus Christ tells us that biological death is not the final moment in life. As Jesus rose from the dead, so will all of us. He said, he promised: I have come that you may have life, life in abundance. The Easter Resurrection of Jesus tells us that we are meant for eternal life, unending life with God, with the living Christ, we, all those who have been part of our life, our loved ones who have passed through death to new life. So, all you good alumni, alumnae of Providence College, I hope you believe this. Happy Easter.

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