November 09, 2023
Meet the 2021-22 Social Media Ambassadors

@provcollege Meet the Friars behind the magic #ProvidenceCollege #FYP ♬ Traveling – Kush Mody
Check out some projects and posts created or inspired by Ambassadors
Oh little town of Providence …
Ambassadors built these graham cracker houses:
@provcollege Sugar and spice and everything nice — that’s what Friartown is made of. #ProvidenceCollege #FYP ♬ It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas – Michael Bublé
Cartpool Friaroke
Ambassador Tommy Ishimwe ’24 took a very chilly ride around campus with College Chaplain Rev. Justin Bolger, O.P. and his guitar.
@provcollege The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear. (Full video: link in bio) #ProvidenceCollege #FYP
♬ original sound – Providence College
@ProvCollege on TikTok
Ambassadors led the creation of PC’s TikTok. Victoria Haak ’20 created the series, “PC in a Box,” filmed by KJ McSweeney ’22. This edition features ambassador Bradley Camilo ’20.
@provcollege Enjoy this episode of PC in a Box with Bradley Camilo ’20! ##PCinaBox ##ProvidenceCollege ##PC ##foryou ##fyp
♬ SICKO MODE – Travis Scott
Residence Hall Bracket
Ryan Ashe ’21 coordinated this tournament of residence halls on Instagram Stories in the spring.

Gonna tell my kids …
Ambassadors worked together to select the best caption for this photo.

PC Pumpkins
Ambassadors carved Providence College-themed pumpkins, like this one by KJ McSweeney ’22.