March 20, 2023
Providence College begins search for a men’s basketball coach
College will open a national search immediately

It was announced today by Providence College President Rev. Kenneth R. Sicard, O.P. and Athletics Director Steve Napolillo that the College will begin a national search for a men’s basketball coach. The new coach will replace Ed Cooley, who resigned earlier today. Cooley coached the Friars for 12 seasons and posted a 242-153 mark.
“I deeply appreciate Coach Cooley’s immense contributions to the men’s basketball program and to the PC community over the past 12 years,” Father Sicard said. “Friar fans everywhere will be forever grateful for this period of sustained excellence in our program, and I personally will continue to have the highest regard for Ed. I wish him, Nurys, and their family the best in their future.
“To our fans, let me state this without equivocation: We remain committed to competing at the highest level of men’s basketball,” Father Sicard continued. “Our facilities, our fan support, and our record of success demonstrate the impact of that commitment and I have full confidence that we will identify and hire a new coach who will build on this strong foundation and lead Friar basketball to continued excellence on a national level.”
“I would like to thank Ed Cooley for the efforts which he put forth over the last 12 years guiding our men’s basketball program,” Napolillo said. “He helped the program achieve a high level of success during that time. I, along with Father Sicard, wish him, his wife Nurys, and his family all the best in the future. The Providence College family is excited to move forward with the hiring of the next great coach of the Friar men’s basketball program. Providence College is a strong academic institution with tremendous athletic facilities, one of the best home atmospheres in college basketball, and membership in the BIG EAST Conference. I am so appreciative that Friartown has the greatest fans in the country.”