May 13, 2014
Sample colloquia
- Music, Beauty, Eros, and God
- The Sacred and the Secular in the Struggle for Human Rights and Dignity
- Race, Marginality, and Theologies of Liberation
- Capitalism: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
- Leadership Through Civilizations
- “Love Never Fails”: Grace, Truth, and Freedom in the Nazi Era
- The Myth of the Warrior (East and West)
- The Ethics of Architecture and Design
- Stickin’ It to the ‘The Man’: Struggles Among Capital, Labor, and Government
- Eros, Sex, and the Body: The Catholic Approach in Historical Perspective
- Global Marketing, Religion, and Culture
- No One Can Serve Two Masters: Catholic Social Thought and Finance
Next spring: The 25 colloquia will include one co-taught by Dr. Sylvia Maxfield, dean of the School of Business, The Character of Business: The Ethical Nature of Business and Business Leadership in Their Contemporary Settings.