April 19, 2017
Scholar Power: Dr. Seann P. Mulcahy
Dr. Seann P. Mulcahy, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Highest Degree: Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Expertise: organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, chemical biology, chemical education
Newsworthy: National Science Foundation grant recipient ($191,371) for “Synthesis of Isomeric Carbolines by Tandem Palladium Catalysis.” In this project, Mulcahy and undergraduate research assistants are developing a new methodology for the synthesis of isomeric carbolines — molecules with attractive biological properties. Using palladium, they hope to make new molecules faster and more efficient so that other researchers can apply their methodology to various areas of science.
Quotable: “We are developing the next generation of scientists. We are strengthening students’ ability to think about the problems that are pressing, to think critically, and to communicate their work. The goal is to build a talent pipeline to address problems like climate change, the energy crisis, and the development of new drugs.”
Hobbies: long-distance running, biking, and swimming
Years at PC: 5